Yes! Self reliance and independence without fear. I am absolutely powerful as an individual. I absolutely love this new path I’m on. It is very freeing and I’ve no doubt this is the way for me.

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The path I'm on is similar 🙂

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Me too!

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Terri, there are some weeks when I feel like you're speaking for me and how I live and how I think. More and more of us have to state how what's happening in the world is a challenge, yes, however it's part of our evolution as well. The younger souls who are desperately clinging on to "power" are being overshadowed by those who have more mature souls, who recognize that community, sharing and caring are what's important. There's so much that is unnatural in the human realm and that is being dissolved. We just have to remain positive, not fall into the fear trap, and if we do from time to time, be kind to ourselves and return to the path of the heart. The Goddess is returning and reawakening the feminine energy. The future is amazingly bright, that's how I feel. We just have some rough times to go through. And if we remain independent and form communities of caring and sharing, we will thrive! Blessings to you.

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Couldn’t agree more!! Amen.

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Lovely Terri, self relying, independent and self empowerment..... to nurture the self is so powerfull and freeing and absolutely necessary. Xxx

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