
Recently, well for the last couple of years really, I have been feeling angy and frustrated that I am unable to change the world for the better. Our politicians are obvious liars and are committing treason every day and seem to be controlled by external forces. I am a conspiracy theorist, of course, which to me means being cognisant of what is happening behind the scenes by powerful people and corporations.

Despite all the visible threats coming from our government and from what I see happening in Europe, none of those threats has actually impacted my life in any way, so far. Neither have those threats that are hinted at, the existential threats; the possible threats to our way of life, culture and heritage; the likelihood of threats to my grandchild and to all the children of his generation. But they still tickle away in my sub-conscious.

I have to keep watch of my thoughts because my imagination can ramp up my fears adding colour and sound and making them more real. I have learned to be aware of my thoughts and nip in the bud any that are fearful. So far, “things” haven’t happened, they are not happening today and it would be pointless to worry about tomorrow. Being in a heart space helps me to stay in the present moment and to appreciate that moment.

Being in a heart space helps me to resist negative thoughts and fears and thereby I am more able to actually be a positive change in the world. I also strongly believe that what we give our focus to will become manifest, whatever that is. I do not want to focus on the corruption and lies and cruelty and destruction that I know is occurring, By being in the heart space I focus on the world I want to see. If I focus on kindness, sharing, honesty and truth - such things will manifest a better world for all of us.

That is not to say I am deciding to be ignorant or that I am going to ignore things that are happening. I will just not be attaching to those events and thus my body will not go into fight or flight mode and dwell on the fear. Non-attachment is the difference between knowing what is going on and reacting to what is going on. It has taken me a long, long time to “get” non-attachment but I get it now. I will keep abreast of news, prepare as necessary and keep focusing on peace, kindness, honesty and truth. I feel so much better, more alive and have more energy and so I resonate at a different vibration.

As we know from observing a room full of stringed instruments or a room full of clocks, in time they will all resonate at the same pitch and keep the same time. We will we all resonate at the same pitch if we all attach to the “news” and we will then experience whatever is causing the fear and anger. Fear is just a vibration after all. It is far better to all be resonating at a pitch that is joyous and lifts us up as this will combat all the negative fibrations. It is possible therefore to change the world by acting and thinking through the heart space.

One way to connect with your heart space is to take a few minutes where you can relax and close your eyes. Bring to mind someone you love or a favourite pet or even a happy memory. Imagine taking hold of that image and placing it into your heart space. For your heart space you can imagine or visualise a beautiful box or a literal place in your chest, whatever suits you. Once you have placed that happy memory or loved one in the heart space, enjoy it. Feel it, feel the love and gratitude and then imagine those feelings being directed out into the world, like a spot light shining in the darkness. For more suggestions, visit the HeartMath Institute -

Hearthmath Institute

or use your own methods for meditation. Being free of fear and anger, even just me, makes a difference and brings us closer to the tipping point.

Wishing you all the best and thanks for watching.

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